Since the creation of the school in 1955, Isep has maintained a permanent dialogue with the professional world.
LISITE: Isep laboratory at the cutting edge of digital science
Research at Isep is organized around the LISITE Computer Science, Signal and Image, Electronics and Telecommunications Laboratory.
This includes some 50 researchers, teacher-researchers, doctoral and post-doctoral students. It also includes researchers who have been habilitated to direct research (HDR) and professors recognized by the FESIC.
LISITE is made up of the DaSSIP group, which brings together skills in image, signal, data and computer processing, and the ECoS group, which brings together skills in electronics and communication systems.
These two groups interact within the framework of multi-disciplinary and collaborative projects in 4 areas of research:
- Digital for environmental health ;
- Massive and heterogeneous data processing in distributed systems;
- Integrated circuits, embedded systems and connected objects;
- Cybersecurity and data protection.
Isep is a member of the Paris EDITE: École Doctorale Informatique, Télécommunications et Électronique (Computer Science, Telecommunications and Electronics Doctoral School) run by Sorbonne University, and as such oversees a number of doctoral programs.
LISITE is recognized by the prestigious Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (Hcéres).
The research activities carried out at Isep contribute to the production of scientific and technical knowledge, and raise the profile of our institution in France and abroad.
Its fields of application are varied and all geared towards providing digital solutions to future challenges facing society and human well-being. From high-resolution medical treatment to the use of light for ultra-high-speed communications, from electronics for energy resource management to human-machine interfaces. We also strive to conduct our research with an awareness of the sustainable development challenges (SDGs) as set out by the UN in its 2030 Agenda.
Isep research is based on partnerships and collaboration
Research at Isep is carried out as part of collaborative projects with numerous economic and academic partners: major companies and industrial groups as well as start-ups, engineering schools and universities, hospitals and public research laboratories.
As an EESPIG, Isep promotes research in the public interest and is involved in collaborative projects. These are financed by the Agence Nationale de Recherche Technique (ANRT), the Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR), European Union funds, the Fonds de Recherche Hospitalo-Universitaire (RHU) and the Fonds Unique Interministériel (FUI).
Research partners
4 major challenges for the future of digital technology
LISITE’s research activities are in line with the institution’s motto: “Digital technology at the service of people”.
With this in mind, all LISITE’s skills in electronics, telecommunications, networks and security, computer science, signal and image processing, and data science, are organized around projects with environmental and societal aims and challenges.

Digital technology at the service of health and the environment

Processing massive and heterogeneous data in distributed systems

Integrated Circuits, Embedded Systems, and Connected Objects

Cybersecurity and data protection
A strong synergy Teaching-Research
Isep’s teacher-researchers participate in the implementation of research activities in the engineering training courses offered by the School. The programmes are regularly updated according to the latest technical and technological advances linked to research. Students work on research initiation projects through internships. They have the possibility of pursuing a doctorate.

of research activities

PhD – HDR,
Director of Research

Data Science, Signal and Image Processing
Head: Pr. Florence Rossant, PhD – HDR

Electronics and Communication & Security
Head: Pr. Lina Mroueh, PhD – HDR
Research at the LISITE is organised through 2 main research groups that are:
Data Science, Signal and Image Processing
Head: Pr. Florence Rossant, PhD - HDR
The DaSSIP research group focus is on the processing, management and analysis of data, both structured and unstructured. These are massive data and signals from connected objects, sensor networks, the Internet and cellular networks, or images acquired in the context of medical or satellite imagery.
The design of distributed architectures (cloud computing, blockchain) for data storage and processing, as well as the interoperability of heterogeneous systems are also among the issues addressed by the group. Artificial intelligence is at the heart of the methods implemented for the interpretation and extraction of information.
Electronics and Communication & Security
Head: Pr. Lina Mroueh, PhD - HDR
The ECoS group focus is on the design and optimisation of embedded systems and connected objects. Hardware design challenges relate to the miniaturisation of electronic circuits, energy autonomy, the implementation of indoor geolocation systems, and the reduction of complexity of electronic systems implemented on various platforms.
From the communication network point of view, the topics addressed by the ECoS group aim at designing low energy consumption waveforms, improving resilience and reliability in the network and developing protocols to secure exchanges.
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