IEEE CSNet 2024 international conference
We are proud to announce that the IEEE CSNet 2024 international conference was successfully held on our Issy-les-Moulineaux campus from December 4 to 6, 2024!

Highlights from the IEEE CSNet 2024 international conference in pictures!
We are proud to announce that the IEEE CSNet 2024 international conference was successfully held on our Issy-les-Moulineaux campus from December 4 to 6, 2024!
IEEE CSNet 2024 focused on the theme “AI for Cybersecurity,” bringing together international experts to explore advancements and challenges in this field
We extend our sincere gratitude to Aziza Lounis, the conference coordinator, for her trust, professionalism, and outstanding work in organizing this event. She worked closely with Nour El Madhoun, our associate professor, whose exceptional dedication we also commend in making this event a success 🌟
We would also like to extend our gratitude to the entire organizing committee of the conference, including our associate professor colleagues Nouredine Tamani, Saad EL JAOUHARI and Maurras Ulbricht TOGBE, who played a very valuable role!
A special thank you as well to all the student volunteers Abdul Qadir Khan Cherifa HAMROUN Djamel MESBAHHussein Kazem Ifiyemi Leigha Islam A. Paul Flammarion, Salah Dine Maham, who made this event a remarkable success 👏